Nothing But Filler

Nothing to say really, I just don’t wanna see InfinityFace™ anymore.  This post will make InfinityFace™ leave the frontpage one post sooner.

[whitespace to push that disturbing image a little further down]


14 Responses to “Nothing But Filler”

  1. -2! says:

    I agree. Infinity face is frightening, and more posts to push it down the beter. (now at least it wont be the first one from the top and so i can safely read the comic without seeing it again).

  2. LeftBandit says:

    Yeah, I am glad I am not the only one who thinks it is disturbing…..

  3. Asher says:

    Thank you. This was much needed.

  4. Drew says:

    you guys are jerks.

  5. As freaky as it looks, InfinityFace is awesome! =P

  6. ClowWolf says:

    I think some acid would help that InfinityFace, fo' sho.

  7. Haylee says:

    haha aw i think infinity face is awesome!!!

    as soon as i saw it i spammed it to all my online friends.


    • LenaBurninate says:

      I agree! That picture amazed me; It might be a little disturbing at first glance, but it's still epic.

      Save InfinityFace!

  8. Paul Ware says:

    This reminds me of some of Cyriak's animation.

    This for example. Plenty of recursion here.

    Weirdness abounds!